A watched pot never boils.-Anything that we wait for with eager attention seems to take a very long time.
All clouds bring not rain.-Don’t judge things by appearances.
Fighting between countries for a fair and good cause is better than no fighting in a situation that is unfair.-A very small hint is enough to convey our meaning. It is not always necessary to say what we want explicitly.
“Annadanam maha danam – vidya danam mahattaram | Annena kshanika thripthihi – yavajjivanthu vidyayaa ||”
Feeding is a good philanthropy activity. But educating is much higher. The food will get digested soon. The education will remain the whole life.
God helps them that help themselves.-This semi-humorous saying suggests that we should not rely entirely on God to help us. God will help us if we make an effort.